Research and innovation

The NFSA is internationally recognised as a leader in audiovisual digitisation and preservation, renowned for landmark initiatives and projects. We are investing in new audiovisual forms and the necessary digital preservation innovations required to maintain and make discoverable an increasingly born-digital collection.

We collaborate on and initiate research projects in Australia and our region, and participate in professional networks locally and internationally.

Our Canberra site is a forum for knowledge exchange and our online spaces are platforms for sharing our research practice.

Events and conferences

See upcoming conferences, lectures and special events at the NFSA or delve into the treasure trove of ideas from past events.

Graphic of a black and green wavy pattern with text Fantastic Futures 2024 Conference
15-18 October 2024
Registrations open until 30 September 2024

The International Conference on AI for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (AI4LAM) will be held at the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) from 15 to 18 October 2024 in Canberra, Australia.

Held over four days in Australia’s capital city, participants in the Fantastic Futures conference will explore the current state and potential futures for artificial intelligence and generative AI within the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector.

Read more about the event and register here.

Images of the 2000 Sydney Olympics projected onto the Sydney Opera House
26-27 November 2020
Past event

The Digital Directions Virtual Conference 2020 offered six sessions over two days, bringing practical case studies of digital transformation and adaptation in the cultural economy.

Check the program and recorded sessions here.

Jon-Paul Dyson from the Strong National Museum of Play speaking in front of a presentation
14-15 November 2019
Past event

At Digital Directions 2019 Australian and international keynote speakers joined the brightest minds in the GLEAM (galleries, libraries, educators, archives and museums) sector at the NFSA to discuss cultural heritage in the digital age.

Check the program and recorded sessions here.

Partnerships and projects

We collaborate with partners across the cultural, education and public sectors on research projects and programs that grow knowledge and expand professional opportunities.

Australian Research Council Linkage Grant
Woman speaking to an audience in a theatre

Addressing Misinformation with Media Literacy Through Cultural Institutions

This project partners with four Australian public cultural institutions to increase adult media literacy: ABC Education, the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD), the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Through an action-based, mixed methods approach, the project investigates adults’ experiences with online misinformation and assesses their ability to identify and challenge it.

Misinformation can harm democratic processes, social cohesion and public health outcomes. This project contributes to international efforts to address this challenge, by creating new knowledge about the role media literacy can play.
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant
A seated man pictured from the side, smiling and holding a video game joystick.

Artistic Practice in Australian Video Game Development

Led by the Queensland University of Technology, this project conceptualises and empirically investigates ‘artist-gamemaking’ to generate new knowledge on the ambitions, techniques and histories of Australia’s game industry.

Graduate Certificate
Woman in a white coat inspecting a film reel in a can

CSU Graduate Certificate in Audiovisual Archiving

Designed and delivered in partnership with the NFSA, Charles Sturt University's Graduate Certificate in Audiovisual Archiving prepares students to work across the audiovisual archiving professions. This online degree focuses on the acquisition, collection, maintenance and preservation of audiovisual materials in analogue and virtual environments.

PhD Program
Full shelf of film reels in colourful containers

ANU Collaborative Doctoral Program PhD Scholarships

In partnership with the Australian National University's College of Arts and Social Sciences, one PhD student is selected to be embedded into the NFSA to undertake their PhD. The successful applicant benefits from the diverse scholarly and professional opportunities afforded by being co-located in a world-class research university and a major national institution.

National and international networks

The NFSA is a member of the following national and international networks:

Australian Digital Alliance (ADA)

The ADA is a broad coalition of copyright users and innovators who support copyright laws that strike a balance between providing reasonable incentives for creators and the wider public interest in the advancement of learning, innovation and culture.


AI for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (AI4LAM)

AI4LAM is an international, participatory community focused on advancing the use of artificial intelligence in, for and by libraries, archives and museums.


Australian Museum and Galleries Association (AMaGA)

Australian Museums and Galleries Association Incorporated (AMaGA) is the national association and peak advocacy body representing museums and galleries.


Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA)

AMIA is a non-profit international association dedicated to the preservation and use of moving image media. AMIA supports public and professional education and fosters cooperation and communication among the individuals and organisations concerned with the acquisition, preservation, description, exhibition and use of moving image materials.


Australian Media Literacy Alliance (AMLA)

The Australian Media Literacy Alliance is an unincorporated group of organisations whose objectives in the area of media literacy are closely aligned.


Australasian Registrars Committee (ARC)

The Australasian Registrars Committee aims to represent and promote the role of registrars, collection managers and registration practices in cultural institutions both on a national and international level.


Australian Society of Archivists (ASA)

The Australian Society of Archivists Inc. (ASA) is Australia’s peak professional body for archivists and recordkeepers. We advocate on behalf of archivists and the archival and recordkeeping profession and seek to promote the value of archives and records and support best practice standards and services.


Australasian Sound Recordings Association (ASRA)

The Australasian Sound Recordings Association (ASRA) was formed in 1986 from the Australian Branch of the International Association of Sound Archives.

Copyright Society of Australia (CSA)

The Copyright Society of Australia is a not-for-profit society dedicated to studying copyright law and related matters. The CSA is an independent organisation and does not seek to represent the interests of any particular special interest group. The purpose of the society is to provide a forum for education, discussion and exchange of ideas and information about copyright issues. CSA members are copyright professionals.


Diversity Council Australia (DCA)

Diversity Council Australia (DCA) is the independent not-for-profit peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace. It provides unique research, inspiring events and programs, curated resources and expert advice across all diversity dimensions to a community of member organisations.


Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC)

The Digital Preservation Coalition is a welcoming and inclusive global community, working together to bring about a sustainable future for our digital assets.


The International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)

FIAF, the International Federation of Film Archives, has been dedicated to the preservation of and access to the world's film heritage since 1938. It brings together the world's leading non-profit institutions in this field.


The International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA)

FIAT/IFTA is the world’s leading professional association for those engaged in the preservation and exploitation of audiovisual archives.

International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA)

The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) is a professional association concerned with the care, access and long-term preservation of the world's sound and moving image heritage.


International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

IFLA is the global voice of libraries, representing the interests of the profession and working to improve services worldwide. We benefit from a strong membership, a vibrant professional community and close collaboration with partners.


International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)

IIIF is a set of open standards for delivering high-quality attributed digital objects online at scale. The IIIF Consortium (IIIF-C) unites global research libraries, national libraries, archives, software companies, digital agencies and aggregators to develop, cultivate and document shared technologies that provide a world-class user experience in viewing, comparing, manipulating and annotating digitised visual and audio materials.


SouthEast Asian-Pacific AudioVisual Archives (SEAPAVAA)

The SouthEast Asia-Pacific AudioVisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) is an association of organisations and individuals involved in the development of audiovisual archiving in Southeast Asia and the Pacific to preserve and provide access to the region’s rich audiovisual heritage.


Software Preservation Network (SPN)

SPN is a coordinated, distributed effort to ensure long-term access to software through community engagement, infrastructure support and knowledge generation.


Sustainable Screens Australia (SSA)

Sustainable Screens Australia (SSA) enables and encourages the Australian film and television industry to embed sustainability into the everyday.

Latest research

Read the stories spurred by our work to collect, preserve and share Australia’s audiovisual heritage.

As part of ongoing policy development, NFSA teams collaborated on establishing clear principles regarding the use of ML and AI in our daily practice.

Working in partnership with the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage (OFCH), the NFSA has made history by preserving the footage of Cathy Freeman’s historic 2000 Olympics win on synthetic DNA.

In 2005 the NFSA embarked on an ambitious project to digitally preserve some 10,000 glass slides in the national collection. NFSA conservator Shingo Ishikawa and digitisation specialist Darren Weinert talk about cinema slides and their history, manufacture and preservation.

View our archive of research articles

The NFSA is internationally recognised as a leader in audiovisual preservation. Read more about the work we do to preserve and interpret our collection, ensuring continued access for all Australians.


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