Tom E Lewis gives a brief introduction into how Arnhemland society is structured. There are 12 clans in Numbulwar, and the society is divided into two moieties. The two moieties in Arnhemland are water and fire, shark and crocodile. He then introduces us to Junggayi Moses Numamurdirdi, sitting under a tree with his wife’s brother. Junggayi Moses Numamurdirdi describes the arrival of missionaries and the introduction of new social structures and ideologies while archival footage shows baptisms in the river. Summary by Romaine Moreton.
The introduced western ideology is ignorant of the cycles of the land and the responsibilities of each Indigenous person in this society. The marriage system of this area is one that is carefully governed by the land itself, the passing on of songs for the land being the impetus; having a song is like having breath.
A documentary narrated by Tom E Lewis about a region that western society says has two seasons, the wet and the dry. The Numurindi people of south-east Arnhemland in the Northern Territory’s Gulf of Carpentaria recognise their country has five seasons;
Migirarrga – May to July. Cold weather time.
Durrmala – August to October. Turtle egg time, hot dry winds.
Barra – October to December. Rains coming.
Barra Amilmilariri – January to February. Flood plains underwater, heavy rains.
Mariga – March to April. Flood plains drying up. Cool weather coming.
These five seasons within the calendar year direct the lives of the Numurindi people. The land is alive, and Junggayi Moses Numamurdirdi, or Mawulu, introduces us to the concept of the land being an entity and responsive to all human actions. ‘This country is fragile. It is important that we know the songs of the country’, says Lewis in voice-over narration, ‘The songs and dances are important as it tells … us who we are, where we belong, the creation of our country, and the stories of our old people’. The responsibility of song and singing to the land is about respecting its cycles and rhythms.
5 Seasons describes how the region regenerates itself within five cycles, guiding all aspects of the lives of the Numurindi peoples, instructing them on what food is available and what is not, whether they will sit waiting for the rains to subside during the Barra season, which is also the season when the seas offer the greatest source of bush food, or whether it is time to collect turtle eggs during the Durrmala season.
The juxtaposition of archival footage with contemporary or present-day footage is evocative. Director Steve McGregor in a few simple frames represents the unchanging traditions of the Indigenous people of the area and a shift occurring in the use of western technology to incorporate ancient hunting and gathering methods. Stunning cinematography by Allan Collins and Warwick Thornton reveal this land as a montage of incredible colours and movement. To look upon this country through the eyes of Collins and Thornton, who as cinematographers support the perspective of Junggayi Moses Numamurdirdi, reveals a country that is achingly beautiful and fragile. A country that is a being requiring the most sensitive of responsibility and interaction, fulfilled here by the moieties of water and fire, or shark and crocodile. There is an exhilarating sequence towards the end of the film in Barra Amilmilariri season in which, during a thunderstorm, a crocodile moves towards the beach shore to feed from a carcass.
This film illustrates, with a gentle authority, the stark contrast between western cultural land management and the ancient Indigenous philosophies and cosmologies that treat the land as a living entity and worthy of respect.
Notes by Romaine Moreton
This clip shows scenes of Indigenous Australian people in modern-day Numbulwar in south-east Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, and also features archival film from the 1950s, including footage of a baptism being conducted in the Rose River and of Indigenous people in dugout canoes. The narrator, Tom E Lewis, describes Numburindi social structure, and Junggayi Moses Numamurdirdi tells the story of the establishment of the Rose River Mission. Subtitles are included when Kriol is spoken.
Education notes provided by The Learning Federation and Education Services Australia
Shots of a four-wheel drive in the countryside and then a map with Numbulwar marked.
Tom E Lewis (voice-over) Numbulwar is about 35km from Wandu. In the old times it would be a day’s walk to get there. But today, we have Toyotas.
The four-wheel drive continues through the countryside.
Indigenous man speaking Kriol (voice-over, English subtitles) A long time ago we walked by foot on two legs. But today we have trucks with four wheels and five gears. When you start that truck or motor, it goes and you can get to that country real quick.
Aerial view of the countryside, then shots of the town and locals playing football on the sand.
Lewis (voice-over) There are 12 clans in Numbulwar. Our society is divided into two groups called moieties. The two moieties in Arnhem Land are commonly known as Dhuwa and Yirritja. Water and fire. Shark and crocodile. But in Numbulwar, they’re known as Mandirrija and Mandhayung. You cannot marry in the same moiety group. Otherwise your children and their children will have no songs.
Moses and Don sit cross-legged on the ground.
Lewis (voice-over) Moses is from the Numamurdi clan. Don is from the (inaudible) clan and is married to Moses’s sister.
Junggayi Moses Numamurdirdi Like this time now, we’ve got township here – we just call Numbulwar, establish way, way back. I never been with white people, you know?
Shots of Moses talking are interspersed with historic film from the 1950s including scenes of a baptism being conducted in the Rose River and of Indigenous people in dugout canoes.
Moses (voice-over) When missionary came, there was mention about ceremony for Numburindi people. They’re used to moving around, way, way back. When they came in, I wasn’t there. I was in the bush with my father and few old ladies. We didn’t know two boat was coming. Some people was on, Aboriginal people, and some travel by dugout canoe and walking. And they met us at the side, and they told us there will be a mission. Then we coming towards this way with dugout canoe with my family now, because we know. We’re told already. There’s a mission at Numbulwar.
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia acknowledges Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live and gives respect to their Elders both past and present.