Prisoner first aired on Network Ten on 27 February 1979. Exactly 40 years later, on 27 February 2019, the NFSA hosted a screening of the 'great fire of Wentworth' (episode 326) followed by a special Q&A with actors Val Lehman and Amanda Muggleton.
The session started with musician Allan Caswell performing 'On the Inside', the theme song that he wrote, and that singer Lynne Hamilton made famous (Australia #4, UK #3).
He then joined Val and Amanda to discuss the legacy of the show with the NFSA's Miguel Gonzalez, and to share anecdotes about what went on behind the scenes.
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia acknowledges Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live and gives respect to their Elders both past and present.