Jane Fonda talks about the Oscars

Jane Fonda talks about the Oscars
Mike Walsh AM, OBE Hayden Productions
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Mike Walsh introduces an interview with Jane Fonda saying that 1978 has been dubbed 'the year of the actress'.

Fonda is talking with John-Michael Howson OAM about her role in Julia (Fred Zinnemann, USA, 1977) and being nominated for an Oscar for best actress in a leading role.

Fonda doesn't seem too impressed with Howson's line of questioning but he proceeds.

Howson was a regular on The Mike Walsh Show. Mostly talking about films and celebrity gossip, Walsh dubbed Howson 'Hollywood'.

This clip from The Mike Walsh Show: Episode 8045 shows the calibre of the guests which appeared on the show. Most often they appeared in the studio but sometimes they were interviewed off-site or overseas.

To date Fonda has received seven Oscar nominations and has won twice.

Notes by Beth Taylor