Opening of Go!! episode 117, November 1966

Opening of Go!! episode 117, November 1966
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This clip shows the restored opening of Go!! episode 117, transmitted on 28 November 1966, featuring Johnny Young.

Of the 222 episodes telecast between August 1964 and September 1967, only significant portions of seven episodes survive, and only episode 117, first broadcast on ATV 0 on 28 November 1966, survives in its entirety.

In early 2015, the NFSA acquired a 16mm black-and-white kinescope recording of episode 117 through the assistance of Melbourne television historian and author Chris Keating and Milton Hammon, manager of The Johnny Young Television Archive.

A lower quality U-matic sub-master dub, lodged by Johnny Young with the Australian Performing Arts Collection, Arts Centre Melbourne in 1983, was the only previously known copy. The newly recovered film print was incomplete in three places, with nearly two minutes of film absent. Fortunately two of the missing clips were present in the U-matic copy.

Preservation staff at the NFSA cleaned the 16mm print and transferred it to a High Definition digital standard. The soundtrack was also remastered and the image and sound files re-synched. The two missing sequences were then seamlessly edited back in from the U-matic.

The final missing piece – Colin McEwan’s opening words 'From Melbourne!’, missing from both U-matic and film versions – was extracted from other Go!! footage in the NFSA collection.

The final result is the reconstruction of the complete episode using a combination of the best known surviving source material.